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16 August 2023

Alleviating the confusion surrounding Microsoft Teams Rooms licensing

Alleviating The Confusion Surrounding Microsoft Teams Rooms Licensing

We’ve been speaking to many of our customers recently about their Microsoft Teams Rooms Licensing requirements. We thought it prudent to create this handy guide to the changes coming to Microsoft Teams Rooms Licensing and what they mean for you.


First things first, what do we mean when we talk about Microsoft Teams Rooms & licensing?


Unlike typical user licensing, Microsoft Teams Rooms licensing is specifically designed for your Microsoft Teams Rooms companion devices. It enables you to transform your meeting spaces and deliver better hybrid meeting experiences.


To help you make the most of this companion equipment, Microsoft offers two license levels:


  • Microsoft Teams Rooms Basic – This level provides core meeting experiences to organisations that purchase a certified Microsoft Teams Rooms system at no additional cost. The Teams Rooms Basic license includes scheduling, joining meetings, content sharing, collaborative white-boarding, and fundamental security and management capabilities out-of-the-box.
  • Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro – Building upon the basic license, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro delivers enhanced in-room meeting experiences like intelligent audio and video, front row and extensive galleries, and dual-screen support. The Teams Rooms Pro license also provides advanced management features like remote device management, conditional access policies, and detailed device analytics.

So, what do you need to do next?


Microsoft Teams Rooms Standard and Premium licenses have been available since 2019 and 2020, respectively, but they have evolved into the current Teams Rooms Pro and Basic licenses.


The initial deadline to migrate your existing license to either Basic or Pro was the 30th of July, 2023.
However, Microsoft has recognised that some customers have experienced challenges upgrading their licenses and has provided a 90-day grace period to users, giving them time to complete the migration before their licenses become end-of-life on the 30th of September 2023.


Once the deadline passes, any Teams Rooms device using an outdated license will be blocked from logging into their account until a valid Teams Rooms license is applied. Depending on the device type, this could disrupt your Teams Rooms experience, including the ability to join meetings or make calls.


To answer some of the most frequent questions about this license migration, we have included a few FAQs below:


1. What happens if I am currently using user licenses to enable my Teams Rooms devices?


Meeting devices leveraging a non-Teams Rooms license (O365/M365 A, E, G) must apply for a valid Microsoft Teams Rooms license or be blocked from signing in until a Teams Rooms device license is assigned.


2. How many Microsoft Teams Rooms Basic licenses can I assign to Teams Rooms systems in my organisation?


You can assign up to 25 Microsoft Teams Rooms Basic licenses to Teams Rooms systems in your organisation. If you need to license more than 25 Teams Rooms systems, those additional licenses must be Teams Rooms Pro licenses.


3. How do I know if my organisation is currently using a user license to enable Teams Rooms devices?


We can help you check if you currently use a user license for your Teams Rooms device. Just reach out to your Nviron account manager.


4. Will I need additional hardware to comply with this licensing enforcement?


If you have already bought Microsoft-certified hardware for Teams Rooms, you will not need to purchase any additional hardware to comply with this licensing enforcement. You must acquire and assign a Teams Rooms Pro or Teams Rooms Basic license for each device.


If you would like to discuss your Microsoft Teams Licenses in more detail or review your Microsoft licenses to determine which licenses are most appropriate for your organisation, please CLICK HERE to speak to one of our specialists. Alternatively, existing customers can contact their designated Account Manager. Please note that sessions are limited to one per customer.

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